
Snyder-Hall is committed to whole community

May 17, 2024

I must take issue with a recent comment by Peter Schott in a letter to the editor May 14. To suggest that Claire Snyder-Hall does not enjoy superb working relationships with state legislators is misguided, untrue and a cheap shot. As executive director of Common Cause Delaware, Claire worked collaboratively with legislators drafting bills, she has been invited to provide expert testimony in favor of bills and she has worked with legislators to amend problematic bills. Her participation has been welcomed and appreciated. To suggest otherwise is disingenuous foul play. Our thriving, diverse populace deserves so much better than these boys-will-be-boys shenanigans.

Speaking for myself and many others, we would like to see a woman in this office, one who has demonstrated her integrity and her commitment to public service to all segments of our local community. A woman who has not been scathed by misuse of power. A woman who justly challenges good ol' tactics in favor of solid, sensible and equitable policies.

Patti Cleary


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