Burger King of Rehoboth was recently recognized by the VFW of Delaware for its fundraising efforts. Each year, Burger King of Rehoboth participates with the five other Burger King locations in its franchise group to raise money for the VFW Unmet Needs Program.
The program was created in 2004 as an alternative to the individual military service relief societies that primarily provide loans that have to be repaid, and that may deny the loans if the member doesn't have enough time in service remaining to pay it back. Today's Unmet Needs Program, thanks largely to generous contributions of individuals and corporate sponsors like Burger King franchisees, now awards up to $5,000, and eligibility includes both active-duty military and veterans.
The VFW Unmet Needs Program provides grants (not loans) and referrals to other organizations to active-duty service members, veterans and their immediate families to assist with basic life needs. Unmet Needs assists with any expenses that are classified as basic life needs which includes, but is not limited to, the following: household expenses such as mortgage, rent, repairs, insurance; vehicle expenses such as payments, repairs, insurance; utilities and primary phone; food and clothing, children's clothing, diapers, formula; school or childcare expenses; and medical bills, prescriptions and eyeglasses - the patient's portion for necessary or emergency medical care only.
"All of the money raised is directed to veterans and their families here in Delaware," said Frank Czerwinski, owner of the participating Burger King restaurants in Rehoboth Beach, Seaford, Dover, Middletown and Bear. "That's important because the money that is contributed stays here to help our neighbors."
Each November, Czerwinski's restaurants compete to see who, along with their guests, can raise the most money for the VFW Unmet Needs Program. "Our managers compete with each other to see who can raise the most money," said Czerwinski. "It's exciting to see the restaurants plastered with the donation cards and the names of all of the generous donors who contribute. The restaurant that raises the most money in our group wins a party."