Cape Henlopen High School Wellness Center celebrates 20 years
On April 14, the Wellness Center celebrated its 20th anniversary with an evening of festivities in the Cape Henlopen High School rotunda, cafeteria, and auditorium.
For 20 years, the Wellness Center at Cape Henlopen High School has partnered with parents, school nurses, and the students’ primary care physicians to provide free health education, nutritional help and emotional support.
The Wellness Center is staffed by Beebe Medical Group team members and operates in partnership with Beebe, the Delaware Department of Health, and Cape Henlopen School District to support teens in improving their health and wellness. Administrators, faculty, Delaware Department of Public Health, legislators, and current and former students were invited to share their experiences, and the evening included music, exhibits and light refreshments.
The Wellness Center focuses on prevention and promoting positive physical and mental health that will carry adolescents through adulthood. Parental consent is a cornerstone of Wellness Center treatment, which is provided free of charge.
For more information about the programs and services provided, call the center at 302-644-2946.