Delmarva Volunteer Firemen’s Convention parade set in Greenwood April 14
The Greenwood Volunteer Fire Company will host the Delmarva Volunteer Firemen’s Association Annual Convention Thursday to Saturday, April 12 to 14. The fire service members and their guests from Delaware, Maryland and the Eastern Shore of Virginia will be heading to Greenwood to attend.
Since the very first meeting of the Delmarva association in June 1929, when representatives from 17 fire companies met in Salisbury, Md., the Delmarva Volunteer Firemen’s Association has a long and rich history of promoting goodwill and fellowship among fire service personnel. From the first convention, hosted by Rescue Fire Company of Cambridge, Md., in May 1930, to its annual Fire Prevention Queens Contest, the association has embraced the necessity for fire prevention and serves to put the worth of the volunteer fire service before the public.
This year’s event will end with a parade at 2 p.m. April 14. There will be approximately 35 pieces of fire apparatus, along with a marching band from the Citizens Hose Company No. 1 of Smyrna registered for the convention parade. The route begins at Governors Avenue and South Church Street, and ends at Governors Avenue and Sussex Highway South. All are invited.