
Hospitals need state oversight

May 7, 2024

Dr. David Tam's commentary stated "Beebe Healthcare is projected to lose more than $60 million in the next two years." I agree that's quite the hit, but this is how I read it, "Beebe Healthcare has been overcharging its community by $30 million per year." I'm pretty confident at least 50% of your readers have utilized Beebe Healthcare and the majority have questioned the costs associated with their care.  And this isn't Beebe alone. I think the statement is true for every hospital, which made me realize they've been collectively overcharging us "around $360 million."  

Hospitals are a public utility disguised as a nonprofit. If you're in an emergency situation, you do not have the time or ability to price shop. The idea that hospitals have to remain competitive to earn your business is a farce. It's about time we have some oversight for the barons of healthcare.

John Doerfler


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