
Sussex County Republican Women's Club to meet Feb. 28

February 13, 2018

The Sussex County Republican Women's Club installed newly elected officers during its January meeting at Kings Creek Country Club in Rehoboth Beach. Lewes resident Sandra Ware is taking the reins as president, with Diana Robertson as first vice president and Peggy Bowden-White as second vice president. Patricia Anderson will serve as recording secretary, and Carol Brumley will continue as corresponding secretary. Marilyn Booker is the new treasurer, and Carole Andrejko will serve as assistant treasurer.

Administering the oath of office was 37th District Rep. Ruth Briggs King, R-Georgetown, who spoke passionately about the role of the Sussex County Republican Women’s Club in Delaware politics and encouraged everyone to participate or run for office.

In her closing remarks, outgoing President Cathy Watts thanked all of the 2016-17 officers, committee chairs and volunteers. She said, "I am proud of what we have done to raise funds for our Republican candidates, give them a platform to meet voters, educate our membership, support our elected officials, encourage and train qualified women to run for political office, and attract more women to the Republican Party."

President Sandra Ware said, "I truly appreciate the dedicated and hardworking women who have volunteered their time to serve on our 2017-18 SCRWC board. The 2018 election will be an exciting time for our party, our state and our nation. As we have been doing for the past 66 years, SCRWC will be there to support our Republican candidates."

It is the mission of the Sussex County Republican Women's Club to assist in the election of Republican candidates, promote patriotism, act as an advocate for the Republican Party's principles and empower women to participate in the political process.

The public is invited to attend meetings. The club will meet at 11 a.m., Wednesday, Feb. 28, at Kings Creek Country Club. For more information, go to For more information or to make a required reservation, contact Carole Andrejko at 302-945-8737 or


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