
PlantPure Nation

October 10, 2016

Imagine a PlantPure nation--one where all food comes from plant instead of animal sources. Imagine the impact on human health--obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease are rare, doctors write prescriptions to the Farmacy, healthcare costs plummet. (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine,

Imagine an end to animal suffering on factory farms on land and sea. Imagine rain forests restored, pasture lands rejuvenated and water scarcity ended as supplies diverted for livestock are now irrigating fruit and vegetables.(Tuttle, WORLD PEACE DIET)

Imagine the dramatic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with the lifting of “Livestock’s Long Shadow” (UN FAO Report and Oppenlander, FOOD CHOICE AND SUSTAINABILITY) and fouled waterways running free and clear.

To imagine such a scenario is our first step toward sustainable living. And so tomorrow a group of adults from The Osher Institute of Lifelong Learning of The University of Delaware in Lewes will begin a 5-week course focused on PLANTPURE NATION, the documentary film and the cookbook. We will be exploring why and how to adopt more sustainable food choices. Each week I will post recipes, learnings and commentary on this blog so that all can join us in creating a PLANTPURE Nation.

  • Dorothy Greet invites you on a journey to amazing good health and vitality through Plant-Based Eating.

    A heart attack turned her life upside down at age 70.

    Now, with a Cornell Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition, this retired clergywoman teaches free classes to community groups upon request.

    To contact Ms. Greet, email

    For more information on plant-based eating go to

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