Bethel United Methodist Church is sponsoring a Fall Fest on October 5, 2019, to be held from 9 am to 3 pm, with all proceeds benefiting Immanuel Shelter and another local charity. The Fall Fest will be held rain or shine in the Fellowship Hall and will feature a craft & collectable fair, bake sale and lunch.If you are interested in renting a vendor space, you can register and pay ONLINE by CLICKING HERE. Payment must be made to secure a vendor space. Vendor spaces are $50 per Space. Two vendors may share a space. There are no refunds, for any reason. APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 27, 2019
Suggested Vendor Booths: (all submissions must be approved): Crafts, Collectables, Food - homemade food items, jams, breads, fresh fruits, vegetables, etc.
For a fee of $25, nonprofits may participate by completing the online registration: CLICK HERE. Questions? Please contact Kathy Dreasen at or 302 448-0512. All proceeds to benefit both the Immanuel Shelter and other local charities. Thank you, Kathy Dreasen & the Bethel UMC Mission Team. Bethel United Methodist Church is located at 129 W Fourth Street, Lewes.