While school's out this April, kids 8 and up will enjoy a variety of sports (both indoor and outdoor) at Spring Break Blast sessions! Every day offers a fresh mix of our most popular activities. Sign up today for your pick of dates and activities from Friday 4/14 through Friday 4/21--pay in advance or during check-in!
Pick Your Day’s and Pre-Register to Save Your Spot!
Group Rates for 10+
Call 302-856-7400 or Email indoor@Sportsatthebeach.com
Multi-Sport Day :: Recess Favorites + Open Playground
Basketball Challenge :: Indoor or Outdoor, weather permitting
Blacklight Soccer/Dodgeball :: Indoor Blacklight Sports
Blacklight Soccer/Dodgeball :: Indoor Blacklight Sports
Ages: 7+ | Cost: $10 Per Player (NerfMeggedon $15) | Pay in Advance or at Check-In
Questions? Email indoor@sportsatthebeach.com or Call 856-7400