Demetrian Hammond is a Bayhealth employee leading by example. Hammond works at Bayhealth Endocrinology, Milford. After struggling with her weight all of her life and developing gestational diabetes during her second pregnancy, Hammond knew it was time to make a change. “I’ll be honest; I’ve tried everything to lose weight,” said Hammond. “I dieted and exercised. I would lose five, maybe 10 pounds and that was it. It just didn’t work for me.”
After careful consideration, Hammond went through the Bariatric Program at Bayhealth. She met with Bariatric Program Coordinator Patty Deer and Dietitian Crystal Bouchard over a six month period to prepare for surgery. “While it was a tough six months, I got through it with my team behind me. By the end, I knew I was ready,” said Hammond.
Hammond’s procedure was in December 2015. Now more than a year later, she’s down 100 pounds. “I feel great, I have so much more energy,” said Hammond. “My kids have noticed a difference in me. I have two sons and they keep me very busy, but now I can keep up.” Deer saw determination in Hammond the moment she began exploring weight loss surgery. “Demetrian was committed from the beginning. Failure was never an option for her,” said Deer.
Hammond has seen an overall improvement in her health. She was prediabetic before surgery, now her sugars are perfect. She was also on high blood pressure medication, which she no longer needs. Hammond knows the surgery was simply a tool in her arsenal, but there are other components to her success. “Weight loss surgery is not a one-time fix. It’s a whole lifestyle change. There is so much work being done before and after surgery. Life will never be the same, but in so many ways, it’s so much better,” said Hammond. “I want to be a resource for the patients I see every day at my job. Many struggle with weight. Many may feel helpless. I want to show them how they can take control and make positive changes.”
To register for a seminar or to learn more about Bayhealth’s Bariatric Program, call 302-430-5454 or visit