
Look Who’s Shaping Up at the Body Shop!- Ashley Diehl

March 4, 2022

The Body Shop Fitness Center has been serving the Rehoboth Beach community since 1989. Ashley Diehl has been a Body Shop member for 14 years and Adam Howard’s personal training client.

Member Name: Ashley Diehl

  1. How long have you been living in the area?

“I have been living here full time since 2000 so 21 years, but I have spent every summer here since I was young because my grandparents had a beach house on Stockley Street.”

  1. What is your favorite thing about living at the beach?

“There is so much, but I love the beach so being able to go any time I want is perfect. I also love these small towns. I didn't grow up in a small-town setting, but I love that my daughters are getting to!”

  1. What is your favorite thing about your business/profession?

“My favorite thing about my profession is being part of the community. I like always being able to recognize faces in the lobby at DQ and catching up with everyone as they pass through.”

  1. Why did you incorporate fitness into your life?

“I like to exercise to stay fit and keep my heart healthy but also to clear my mind. Some days it's the greatest stress relief!”

  1. When did you start working out at the Body Shop?

“I began working out at the Body Shop after my second daughter was born in 2008.”

  1. Favorite health tip to share:

“I'm a big believer in having fun so I think as long as you enjoy the type of workout that you're doing - you'll see results. If you dread it - it won't last!”

  1. Quote:

“I love working out at the Body Shop! Again, it's part of the community! So many of us have gotten to know each other and everyone that works there is so friendly! Adam is so accommodating and has become a great friend over the last 14 years. He is constantly changing up my workouts and therefore I have never gotten bored or dreaded going to the Body Shop. I am perpetually late and Adam is even forgiving of that!”

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