
Look Who’s Shaping Up at The Body Shop! -Kristan Trugman

February 25, 2022

The Body Shop Fitness Center has been serving the Rehoboth Beach community since 1989. Kristan Trugman has been a member of the Body Shop Fitness Center for seven years and is one of Bruce Clayton’s Triathlon clients. 

Member Name: Kristan Trugman

1. How long have you been living in the area?

“20 years”

2. What is your favorite thing about living at the beach?

“Open Water Swims with my swim buddies in the Ocean.”

3. What is your favorite thing about your business/profession?

I am retired so my favorite thing is doing whatever I want. I retired from the federal government in communications/social media.”

4. Why did you incorporate fitness into your life?

“I started running in 8th Grade and have gone back to it my entire life. I began riding and swimming when I began doing triathlons five years ago. Exercise clears my head and fitness goals (races and triathlons) keep me going.”

5. When did you start working out at the Body Shop?

“Seven years ago! My favorite Body Shop class is “Beach Boot Camp” where we workout on the ocean.”

6. Favorite health tip to share:

“Especially as I get older, I recognize that moving is so important - whether running, swimming, riding, walking, strength training, fitness classes, stretching.” 

 7. Quote:

“I equate the Body Shop to the "Cheers" of fitness centers - where everybody knows your name. It is true community of all shapes and sizes. It is an environment of no judgement, great support and encouragement always.”

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