White Stone Ceremony at Unity of Rehoboth Beach
Unity of Rehoboth Beach is the place to be the first Sunday of the New Year as we participate in the White Stone Ceremony. Last Sunday we released those thoughts, habits situations that no longer serve us and our Soul's Journey.
The White Stone Cere
mony is typically offered as a follow-up to the Burning Bowl, as a symbol of starting anew. It can help us at the beginning of the year to claim our good for the coming year. At the ceremony, you are given a small white stone that was quarried out of a pit in Israel. You will use the stone to record your “new name.”
The ceremony is inspired by a quote from the Book of Revelation, “Let anyone who has an ear listen: ….To everyone who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give a white stone and on the white stone is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it.” Revelation 2:17
The Ceremony helps individuals to focus on what lies on their path by selecting a new name. This new name was written on a white stone, and indicated their freedom from the past. As you enter the New Year, make a stand and declare what your focus will be for the coming year, by calling forth a new name in this unique ritual.
Unity Spiritual Center is located at 98 Rudder Road, Suite 1-A, in Long Neck just off Long Neck Road. The Service starts at 10 AM. Unity is a Spiritual Community based upon the Teachings of Jesus. We follow Jesus as a brother, a Way-shower.
All are welcome.