‘Lost Delaware’ authors to sign books at Browseabout May 18
Authors Rachel Kipp and Dan Shortridge will sign copies of their latest book, “Lost Delaware,” from 3 to 5 p.m., Saturday, May 18, at Browseabout Books, 133 Rehoboth Ave., Rehoboth Beach.
These former Delaware journalists chronicle the former businesses, landmarks and institutions that shaped the First State’s past and continue to affect its future.
“Many landmarks of its past, including the Greenbaum Cannery, the Rosedale Beach Hotel, the Nanticoke Queen restaurant, the Ross Point School and the Kahunaville nightclub now live solely in memory,” said Shortridge. “The tales of airplanes and auto plants, breweries and bridges, cows and churches provide insight into the state's many communities, including its Black heritage. Read about fallen hospitals, long-ago lighthouses, crumbling mansions, demolished prisons and shuttered theaters.”
A portion of the authors’ proceeds will be donated to Preservation Delaware, an organization dedicated to the preservation of the state’s architectural heritage and historic settings.