14th RD Dems to elect state convention delegates March 12
The 14th Representative District Democratic Committee will meet Wednesday, March 12, at Iron Hill Brewery on Route 1 north of Rehoboth Beach. Jason Hoover, chair of Rank the Vote Delaware, will be the featured speaker. Hoover will discuss what ranked voting is, how it works and why he believes it’s so important for building a more representative democracy.
The program will begin at 5 p.m. with a Dutch treat dinner, followed by Hoover’s remarks at 6 p.m. and committee business at 6:30 p.m.
One major agenda item will be the election of 14 delegates to Delaware’s Democratic State Convention to be held Saturday, June 21, in Dover. Any registered Democrat who resides in District 14 is eligible to serve as a state convention delegate.
A longtime community activist, Hoover founded Rank the Vote Delaware in 2020 to encourage candidate choices in elections. With ranked choice voting, if no candidate achieves a 50% majority, a second round occurs in which the last-place candidate gets eliminated and their ballots go to each voter’s next-favorite candidate. Currently, nearly 50 cities and two states (Maine and Alaska) use ranked choice voting.
The 14th RD Committee represents Democrats who live in and around Lewes, Rehoboth Beach and Dewey Beach. All registered Democrats are welcome to participate in 14th RD meetings. Those planning to attend the March 12 meeting should RSVP by Monday, March 10, to c.fruchtman@comcast.net.
For more information, go to 14thRDDelDems.com.