
Addressing careless bicycling in Cape Region

September 2, 2019

State Sen. Ernesto Lopez just wrote this paper to discuss a meeting he convened July 9 at the Lewes Public Library, to discuss ongoing reports of discourteous and even dangerous bicycle use on state trails. Muy terrifico. 

But it goes far beyond that, and we have already had several tragic deaths of bicyclists on public roads. 

As Rehoboth homeowners of 24 years, we see the use of bicycles, most often by vacationing families, often with a blithe disregard for traffic laws and common sense, make even a quick drive in summer an often terrifying experience. Families, often without helmets, with very young children wobbling in and out, barrel through stop signs and disregard basic traffic safety.  

Now, I knew for many years what it is like to vacate here from the pressures of work and just pedal along through tree-filled, cottage-lined streets to “get away from it all.” Cares are gone. But is road safety, too? Lives are at stake. 

By the way, I am hardly a bike-phobe. The shed at our family house is overfilled with a dozen bikes, having two families with grandchildren (and many friends) who come here. But when they ride, they wear helmets, and observe the rules of the road. 

What we don’t want to do is get our overtaxed police officers on bikes to give out tickets. What we do need to do is through signage and public information to promote a “share Rehoboth roads safely” campaign for visitors and homeowners. We also should check our traffic regulations for inconsistencies, and fix them. 

In today’s oft-contentious times, making Rehoboth Beach roads a place to live and vacate safely and pleasantly should be a priority. That is a win for visitors and homeowners, and for the business establishment and the neighborhoods. 

Stan Heuisler
Rehoboth Beach 


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