Millsboro residents Marijane and Bill Schrammel, Sharon and Rob Lampron, and Linda and Andy D’Aloisio spent the first half of June exploring Iceland and Nova Scotia. It’s impossible to list all of the memorable sights and experiences they enjoyed, but some highlights included the Golden Circle Tour and Blue Lagoon, a large puffin colony, Icelandic food tastings, historic Viking villages, and the ever-changing landscapes with beautiful views of fjords, waterfalls, and volcanic craters in Iceland. They also visited Louisbourg Fortress and Peggy’s Cove in Nova Scotia. The faithful Cape Gazette readers kept a firm hold on their paper as they posed at Stórhöfði, purported to be the windiest spot in Europe. Shown in the back row from (l-r) are Rob Lampron, Bill Schrammel and Marijane Schrammel. In the front row from (l-r) are Sharon Lampron, Linda D’Aloisio and Andy D’Aloisio.