
AG Jennings endorses McBride

September 5, 2024

As attorney general, I've devoted my career to protecting communities, advocating for equal justice and ensuring that every Delawarean feels safe in their homes and neighborhoods. Delaware has made significant progress, but this success comes from leaders who show courage and tenacity. 

That's why I proudly endorsed state Sen. Sarah McBride from Day 1 in her campaign to represent Delaware in Congress.

Sarah and I share more than just a commitment to public safety; we share a deep-rooted connection to the City of Wilmington. We both grew up here – a city that is home to rich history, strong community and significant challenges. For decades, Wilmington has grappled with violent crime, poverty and the systemic inequalities that exacerbate these issues. But thanks to the work of leaders like Sen. McBride, we are finally witnessing major progress in Wilmington and across our state. 

Throughout her tenure in the state Senate, Sarah has been a steadfast advocate for policies that promote public safety, responsible gun ownership and justice for all. Sarah understands that true safety comes not just from law enforcement, but also from addressing root causes like poverty, lack of opportunity and systemic inequality. She has championed legislation that strengthens the social safety net for Delaware workers, parents and caregivers; expands access to mental health services; supports reentry programs for the formerly incarcerated; and makes our criminal justice system more fair and equal.

Sarah is also an unapologetic advocate for gun safety. Despite the gun lobby's influence, Sarah and a new generation of leaders have helped pass landmark gun safety laws in Delaware. Her work was instrumental in requiring training for handgun owners, strengthening background checks, enforcing lethal violence protection orders and providing resources for communities affected by gun violence.

Her dedication has led to a significant decrease in violent crime in Wilmington and across our state, proving that smart, compassionate policy works. But our work is far from over. One life lost to gun violence is too many. Delaware needs federal leaders who will support our state's ongoing work to protect communities and improve justice, and America needs leaders who will stand up against the gun lobby and fight for equal justice. Sarah McBride is that leader. She has the experience, passion and vision to advocate for Delaware on the national stage. She knows that community safety depends on providing support to those who need it most, and she will ensure Delaware continues to receive the resources needed to keep our communities safe.

I've worked closely with Sarah McBride for four years and witnessed her intellect, compassion and work ethic accomplish the seemingly impossible. She is the right person to represent Delaware in Congress – a proven leader, fierce advocate and an excellent public servant. I urge Delawareans to support Sarah McBride in her campaign for Congress.

Kathy Jennings
Attorney General of Delaware


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