AIDS Walk Delaware was held Sept. 22 at Grove Park in Rehoboth Beach. AIDS Walk Delaware is the state’s largest HIV/AIDS fundraiser and awareness event. Proceeds benefit several AIDS service organizations, including AIDS Delaware, Delaware HIV Consortium, Ministry of Caring, Beautiful Gate Outreach Center, Faith Community Partnership and CAMP Rehoboth.
Rehoboth Mayor Paul Kuhns addressed the walkers before the start of the walk. In his address, Kuhns said, “I know many leaders in the HIV activist community will join me, thanking all of you for your vision and fierce dedication to the fight against AIDS.”

Representatives from the Rehoboth Beach Democratic Women supported the walk. Shown are (l-r) Diane Bennett, Tara Burns and Sallie Rush.

The Diamond State Walkers are ready for the walk. Shown are Helen Levering, Michael Cox and Mary Foley.

The Sunshine Walkers from Epworth United Methodist Church gather behind their banner for a photo. Shown are (l-r) David Hagelin, Miriam Barton, Brett Svensson, Jana Kamminga and Jeff McGuire.