All Saints’ Episcopal Church has recently undergone a beautification project at its ocean block location on Olive Avenue in Rehoboth Beach.
Begun in the spring, the project took several months. “We have eight ocean block lots on Olive Avenue, and we occupy a special place in the City of Rehoboth Beach. We are proud of our history, and knew it was time to beautify our buildings and land,” said Joseph Cascio, parish treasurer and landscape committee member.
A cornerstone originating in 1892 was discovered during the process. The project consisted of redoing the landscaping, repairing and painting the buildings, and installing a new aluminum fence, irrigation and exterior lighting.
Cascio, who lives near the church, said, “We are so fortunate and grateful to be able to worship God just steps from the beautiful beaches of Rehoboth.”
RSC Landscaping designed the project for the church grounds, reseeded the grass and added drainage ponds. Colorful spring and fall plantings grace the garden. Many local residents have commented on the exterior night lighting designed by RSC. In the rectory garden, the 100-year-old crepe myrtles.
”The lighting beneath the pink and purple myrtles provides a warm background in the early evening, softening the transition from the church to its rectory,” says Ann Ameigh, senior warden. “Drive by at night and see how beautiful it is!”
The changes to the exterior of All Saints’ have allowed those walking by to experience the beauty of the church’s brickwork. The redesign of the church walkway provides an open, warm and welcoming entrance for all. The rector's garden has been redesigned to add to the peaceful, contemplative atmosphere.
The Rev. Mariann Babnis, interim rector, said, "When I first came here last year, you could barely see the church for all the vegetation that surrounded it. Now it's been cut back and made beautiful - reflecting God in the religious and secular communities that surround the church."
All Saints’ former pastor, the Rev. Max Wolf and his wife Olly created and attended to the rectory garden where a bench is named in thanksgiving for them both.
The Wolfs moved to Nantucket in 2018.
The Episcopal Parish of All Saints’ Church and St. George’s Chapel is in the process of searching and selecting a new rector.