American Legion Auxiliary Unit 28 holds animal blessing and Easter egg hunt
Holiday event brings big smiles and full bellies
April 21, 2022
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 28 held its annual animal blessing and Easter egg hunt April 16 in Millsboro. The animals were blessed by Pastor Emeritus Jim Vanderwall of Conley’s Chapel United Methodist Church, who prayed over the pets and gave each owner a wooden cross for the animal’s collar. Children were able to pick out a toy, book or stuffed animal from dozens of items donated by American Legion Post 28 Auxiliary members before taking off through the grass to find hundreds of eggs filled with treats.

Airanna Flickinger, 2, hugs her bunny and toys donated by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 28 at the animal blessing and Easter egg hunt.

Pastor Emeritus Jim Vanderwall blesses Zoey, a 6-year-old Chihuahua owned by Linda Harcum and Joey Long of Georgetown.

Pastor Emeritus Jim Vanderwall blesses Penny, a Chihuahua belonging to Lyn and Dave Mullen of Georgetown.