Dave Dolby Sussex AmVets Post 2 in Long Neck honored veterans and remembered comrades who fell in battle or following service to their country Nov. 11 in Long Neck.
Speakers for the event included AmVets Post 2 Commander Dave Heffline; AmVets Department of Delaware Commander Tom Jones; District 4 Rep. Jeff Hilovsky, R-Long Neck; AmVets Post 2 Sons Commander Les Paulson; and AmVets Post 2 Ladies Auxiliary President Trudy Moore.
For more information about AMVETS Post 2, go to sussexamvetspost2.com.

AmVets Department of Delaware Commander Tom Jones speaks to attendees about the importance of Veterans Day.

The AmVets Post 2 Ladies Auxiliary board includes (l-r) Connie Pridell, third vice president; Doris Vantine, secretary; Bonnie Baker, treasurer; Michelle Spangler, second vice president; Trudy Moore, president; Kathy Kamsch, sergeant at arms; Wendy Metcalf, first vice president; and Lisa Miceli, chaplain.

The Sons Squadron officers are (l-r) Bob Ruskowski, chaplin; Scott Bechtel, judge advocate; Les Paulson, commander; Scott Brown, first vice commander; Cody Ayers, communications director; and Tom Donaway, adjutant.

AmVets Post 2 officers are (l-r) Bill Willard, first vice commander; William (Bill) Bratton, third vice commander; Bruce Hampton, trustee; Taylor Magargal, trustee; Tom Mills, chaplain; Gene Bradley, past commander and Delaware Veterans Commission member; Dave Heffline, commander; Tom Jones, AmVets Department of Delaware commander; and William “Buzzy” Biggs, second vice commander.