
Andrew Williams understands Lewes’ challenges

April 22, 2022

To all residents of Lewes, Andrew Williams grew up in Lewes, and he and Rita are now raising their family in this wonderful community. As he has demonstrated in his time on council, he is committed to working for Lewes and protecting it for future generations to enjoy. He listens to residents and represents fresh ideas and voice for Lewes.

While he is my friend and neighbor, he is that way with everyone he meets. We are lucky to have such a bright, thoughtful, engaged member of our community as a candidate to lead our city. Andrew understands the challenges and opportunities in the coming years for Lewes.  

Mayor Becker has been in office for the better part of the last two decades, and we should thank him for his service. However, Andrew Williams is best positioned to work with council to address important issues the city now faces, many of which have been ignored by past leadership.

Thank you and please remember to vote May 14!

Bob Watson


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