
Area students selected for U.S. Senate Youth Program

Each delegate to receive $10K for undergraduate study
January 16, 2020

The United States Senate Youth Program announced that high school students Evan Qian Cheng of Magnolia and Trinity Hope-Shockley Kelso of Millsboro will join Sen. Thomas R. Carper and Sen. Christopher A. Coons in representing Delaware in the nation’s capital during the 58th annual USSYP Washington Week, to be held Saturday, March 7, to Saturday, March 14.

The two were selected from among the state’s top student leaders to be part of the 104-student national delegation. 

Sponsored by the Senate and fully funded by The Hearst Foundations since its inception in 1962, the program increases young Americans’ understanding of the interrelationships of the three branches of government. Students learn the caliber and responsibilities of federally elected and appointed officials, and the vital importance of democratic decision making for America and for people around the world.

The overall mission is to help instill within each class of student delegates more profound knowledge of the American political process and a lifelong commitment to public service.

In addition to the program week, The Hearst Foundations provide each student with a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship with encouragement to continue coursework in government, history and public affairs. Transportation and all expenses for Washington Week are also provided by The Hearst Foundations. No government funds are utilized.

Kelso, a junior at Sussex Tech, serves as junior class president. She is a member of the National Honor Society and the National Technical Honor Society, and has been on the honor roll throughout high school. She also participates in the Academic Challenge Program at Delaware Technical Community College. She is a member of her school’s Business Leadership Team, participates in Business Professionals of America, and serves on the district superintendent’s Community Advisory Committee. In addition, she works two jobs and volunteers regularly. She is considering several colleges and intends to major in international business or political science. Eventually, Trinity would love to work on Capitol Hill. 

Cheng, a senior at Caesar Rodney High School, serves as president of the National Honor Society. He is a captain of the varsity swim team, vice president of the Chinese Club and Computer Science Club, and historian of his school’s Class of 2020. He participates in debate team and has also attended the Delaware Governor’s School and Boys State. Evan enjoys volunteering at local schools, having worked during the summer with at-risk kindergartners to help them acclimate to school. He plans to follow a career in the humanities, with law being his current top career choice.


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