
Argentine Tango Vibes set April 21

March 30, 2024

An Argentine Tango Vibes event for new tango dancers will be held at 2 p.m., Sunday, April 21, at the Lewes Senior Activity Center, 32083 Janice Road, Lewes.

Immediately following, a milonga social dance for experienced tango dancers will be held from 3 to 6 p.m.

Argentine tango is not to be confused with the tango people see on the screen. Like all display dancing for entertainment, tango seen on TV is show dancing, carefully choreographed prior to the performance.

Real Argentine tango is a partner dance where two people dance together in either an open or closed embrace. The dance steps are completely unscripted, initiated by the leader and wordlessly communicated to their partner using subtle body movements. The follower feels the movements and responds by completing the led action with additional steps, moves and embellishments that make real Argentine tango a pleasure to dance and to watch.

Those who learn Argentine tango can travel to any country in the world and attend a milonga where they could ask for or accept an invitation to dance a tonda (series of one to three dances) using only the eyes and a nod, without knowing a word of foreign language. 

All are invited to attend, whether as a single person or with a partner, to learn all about Argentine tango and try a few dance moves.

A tango instructor along with some experienced leaders and followers will dance with participants and coach them to experience two styles, tango embrace and the tango walk, plus learn more about tango history and traditions.

Cost is $5 per person. If possible, participants are advised to wear shoes with leather soles to allow the feet to pivot.

For more information, go to

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