
Ashes on the go

Milton church offers holy day convenience
March 6, 2025

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Pastor Pat Bollinger and her crew delivered the ashes to mark the start of Lent.

Mother nature delivered the dust on the strength of powerful winds blowing across Broadkill Road.

For the second straight year, Pastor Pat offered Ash Wednesday ashes, drive-thru style, at Zion United Methodist Church near Milton.

“I believe churches are supposed to reach out into neighborhoods, live in their communities, not in a church building,” said Bollinger. “We brought ashes into the street, and we’ve seen more people than we saw last year.”

The drive-thru ashes were available to anyone, not just for Zion church members.

Three people stopped during the hour they were offering the holy day convenience.

Pastor Pat said Zion will hold an Easter Sunday sunrise service at 6 a.m., followed by a breakfast.


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