
Ashley Murray will bring education back to Cape

May 6, 2021

What are your children being taught in the Cape Henlopen School District schools?  

I’ll confess that I have no children in any Delaware school.  However, that doesn’t preclude my interest and concern about the content of the lessons your children and grandchildren are receiving.  Ashley Murray is running for the at-large school board position that is currently held by Janis Hanwell.  Janis has held this seat since 2016. 

After speaking with Ashley and other parents with children currently in Cape schools, I found that schools in the Cape Henlopen School District have been teaching about “white privilege,” “critical race theory” and pushing the “1619 Project” - a “history” that has been labeled a myth by scholars across the country.  Ashley Murray is opposed to these radical lessons, and believes that our schools should be fully opened and teaching children to be successful in STEM studies rather than these progressive ideologies that vilify our founding principles.

Somehow, educators now believe that rather than our schools being places to assist students in advancing their self-esteem, they must denigrate white males so that they feel embarrassed by their race and gender.  “Sins of the Father?” 

Is it really necessary for students at Cape Henlopen High School to spend class time taking an equity test which gives points for having parents who are married, but takes points away if your parents didn’t graduate from high school?  Is this disgraceful invasion of a family’s privacy supposed to determine the student’s value or what successes the student can be expected to achieve?  Will this exercise help these students become productive citizens with the knowledge and integrity to prosper in an evermore competitive global society? It would seem that this type of “testing” sets up some children to be shamed and others to be victims.  Perhaps the school would do better to spend class time addressing its math proficiency of 33 percent or the 58 percent proficiency in reading and language. 

It appears that this new social experiment is geared toward maligning white male children while training minority children in the art of victimhood.  Neither of these lessons is helpful to the child, and certainly not beneficial to society at large.  Ms. Hanwell was a member of the Cape school board while these outrageous principles were creeping into the coursework.  As a parent with children attending Cape Henlopen schools, Ashley Murray understands this perversion of the curriculum. 

As a member of the Cape Henlopen school board, Ashley will work to stop this indoctrination and replace it with education. Vote for Ashley Murray on May 11 to bring real education back in to the classroom.

Marilyn F. Booker
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