
Baltazar-Lopez cares about all of us

September 24, 2024

Those of us who live in the Milford and greater District 36 area have been through a bruising political year with the land use controversy, then an ugly city council election, and then the even more difficult Republican primary. We have seen good people attacked by people who mostly mean well but have been mislead by people who have only their own interests at heart. We have seen politicians playing to the crowd, even publicly threatening some of their constituents in order to appease others.  

We have two candidates running to be our representative to the Delaware Assembly. We know one fairly well. We remember his big issue in his first campaign that was quickly dropped after he was elected. We see him allowing his constituents to think they know his positions but avoiding answering direct questions. He has a lot of ambition and devotes considerable energy to make himself look good and to benefit himself. We see him blocking people who have questions and concerns from his social media and his constituent email newsletters. 

It's time for a representative who cares more about us. All of us. One who has demonstrated the ability to not only to understand what our issues, our roadblocks, our hopes are, but also to finding real solutions and the way forward. Vote for Rony Baltazar-Lopez!

Peggy Schmidt 


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