Beebe Healthcare honors retirees from multiple boards

Beebe Healthcare recently thanked 22 retired board members from Beebe, its medical group, and its foundation. Normally an annual event, the ceremony had not occurred since February 2020.
This year’s event was held April 11 at the Lighthouse Cove Event Center in Dewey Beach. Thanks go to all of these various board members and ambassadors.
Beebe Healthcare Board of Directors 2020 retirees are Wesley E. Perkins; Anis K. Saliba, MD; R. Michael Clemmer; and Daniel Cuozzo, DO.
Perkins joined the Beebe board in 2014 and served for six years. He chaired the Root Cause Analysis board committee and still serves on the Quality and Safety Committee as a community member. He also participates on the Populations of Inequities Coalition.
Saliba joined Beebe in 1968 as a general, thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon. He was appointed to the board of directors in 1988 and served for 33 years. Over those years as a physician, Saliba served in many capacities including president of the medical staff and chief of staff. He also served on many committees for the board including the Population Health Committee, as chair, and the Root Cause and Quality and Safety committees, just to name a few.
A distinguished emeritus member for the board of directors and honorary member of the medical staff, Saliba also recently retired from the Beebe Medical Group board of directors after 23 years of service.
Clemmer started at Beebe as executive director of Beebe Medical Foundation. After his retirement, he was recruited to the Beebe Healthcare board of directors, where he served for 2014 to 2020 on various committees including the governance committee.
Cuozzo served on the Beebe Healthcare board representing the Beebe Medical Group as its chair. He served on the Beebe board from 2019 to 2020 and is also recognized as a retiree from the Beebe Medical Group board, having served for seven years.
Beebe Healthcare board of directors 2021 retirees are Gregory Bahtiarian, DO; Wilson Choy, MD; Janet B. McCarty; Michael L. Wilgus; James W. Bartle; Frank Czerwinski; and David Herbert.
Bahtiarian was appointed to the board in 2015 and served for six years. A member of Beebe Healthcare’s medical staff, Bahtiarian served on the board’s Root Cause Analysis and Quality and Safety committees.
Choy is a member of the Beebe medical staff and was appointed to the board of directors in 2015, serving for seven years.
McCarty joined the board of directors in 1994 and served for 27 years before retiring in 2021. She served as vice chair of the Beebe board for seven years and chair from 2005 to 2010. McCarty served on every board committee over her tenure including chairing the Joint Conference Committee.
McCarty also was a member of the Beebe Medical Foundation board for 18 years. The Beebe Healthcare board recently named her a chair emeritus.
Wilgus joined the Beebe board of directors in 2007. He served on a variety of committees including the executive committee, and served for many years as chair of the Pension committee and Real Estate committee. He retired from the board in 2021 after serving 14 years.
Bartle was employed by Beebe as chief financial officer for 25 years before retiring in 2013. He was appointed to the Beebe board of directors in 2014 and served for seven years, including chairing the Audit and Compliance Committee.
Czerwinski joined the Beebe board of directors in 2014 and served for seven years. He is also recognized by the Beebe Medical Group board of directors for his four years of service.
Herbert joined the Beebe board of directors in 2012 after serving as a consultant for the root cause analysis process. He served as vice chair for a year and half, and became board chair in October 2017. He served the Beebe board of directors for nine years and is also recognized for serving on the Beebe Medical Foundation and Beebe Medical Group boards of directors as ex officio member; he retired from those boards in 2021.
The Hon. William Swain Lee retired from the Beebe Medical Foundation board of directors. When he became chair of the Beebe Medical Center board of directors in 2010, Lee joined the Beebe Medical Foundation board as an ex officio member. Lee served the Beebe board as chair for seven years and is a chair emeritus for the board of directors. He was appointed as a regular member of the Beebe Medical Foundation board of directors and served until October 2020 for a total of 10 years.
Retirees from the Beebe Medical Group board of directors are Paul Cowan, DO; Maria Haldar, MD; and George Kluchnik.
Cowan served as treasurer for the Beebe Healthcare board of directors from 2010 to 2020 and as such, he served as an ex officio member of the Beebe Medical Group board for those 10 years. He continues to serve on the Beebe Healthcare board of directors and retired in 2020 from the Beebe Medical Group board.
Haldar served as a member of the Beebe Medical Group board from 2013 to 2020. Employed by Beebe Medical Group, she is a member of Beebe Healthcare's medical staff.
Kluchnik was appointed to the Beebe Medical Group board of directors in 2014 and served seven years before retiring in 2021.
Beebe Medical Foundation board of ambassadors retirees are Joseph Cascia, Bonnie Crosby, Sumner Crosby, Maureen Hurst, Shelly Kennedy, Drew Sunderlin and Rob Tunnell.
Cascia joined the board of ambassadors in 2016 and served for four years.
Bonnie Crosby and Sumner Crosby served on the board of ambassadors for seven years before retiring in 202l.
The board of ambassadors recognized Maureen Hurst for her contribution. Hurst passed away in November 2021, and had served for seven years.
Kennedy served on the board of ambassadors for nine years, having joined in 2011 and retired in 2020.
Sunderlin served the board for six years, joining in fall 2014 and retiring in fall 2020.
Tunnell has served on the board of ambassadors since 2020, finishing his wife Mindi’s term. She was appointed to the board of ambassadors in 2006 and is currently a member of the Beebe Medical Foundation board of directors.