Beebe recognizes Nancy Hastings with L.O.V.E. Letter Award
Beebe Healthcare recognized Nancy Hastings, RN, IBCLC, as the July 2019 recipient of the Living Our Values Every Day (L.O.V.E.) Letter Award.
Linda Spaulding, RN, IBCLC, submitted Hastings’ L.O.V.E. Letter nomination.
“Five years ago, after years of preparation, Nancy took on getting this hospital certified as Baby-Friendly. A daunting task, to say the least. A certification that is not given out lightly,” said Spaulding. “She was relentless, and sure enough, Beebe Healthcare was certified. Fast forward to April 2019. Beebe was up for renewal of that certificate. Again, Nancy did what needed to be done. Again we are certified.”
Beebe Healthcare was the first facility in Delaware to earn designation as a Baby-Friendly hospital, in 2013.
This international designation was launched as part of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative in 1991 by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund. It recognizes birthing centers that successfully implement the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes.
There are more than 20,000 designated Baby-Friendly hospitals and birth centers worldwide, with 570 active Baby-Friendly hospitals and birth centers in the United States. The Baby-Friendly redesignation is given after a rigorous on-site survey is completed.
Hastings demonstrates many of the Beebe values, including achieving amazing accomplishments through exceptional teamwork and dedicating oneself to being an expert in one’s field – always learning, always growing.
Winners are announced in a surprise ceremony in which the committee visits the winner in his or her department and presents the award. Employees selected for the award receive a parking space in the parking garage for one month; a $100 gift card; 100 points toward Beebe L.O.V.E. Notes merchandise; a letter of congratulations and personal visit from members of the executive team; their photo added to the L.O.V.E. Letter wall plaque; a letter to the team member's director; and department recognition.