I am writing this letter on behalf of my 92-year-old mother-in-law, Pearl Giorgi. Pearl was at Beebe Healthcare from Jan. 16 to Feb. 24, and the exemplary professionals there saved her life – twice.
Pearl was brought into Beebe’s Emergency Department by ambulance on Jan. 16, after complaining about shortness of breath and back pain. After a thorough exam, it was discovered that Pearl had three mild fractures in her back and that there was some water in her lungs.
She was hospitalized, and for the next two days she appeared to be on the mend. The staff was incredible, and Pearl was in great spirits. We were all happy and at ease knowing things were going well.
On the morning of Jan. 19, I received a most distressing call from the hospital. I immediately needed to go to the ED as my mother-in-law was now in the Intensive Care Unit. Pearl’s health had taken a turn and she had become very ill.
Well, imagine my adrenaline rush and thought process after hearing this.
I arrived in ICU and what I witnessed next was mind-boggling. Machines, tubes, wires, hoses, what have you, all attached and going to, or coming from Pearl. My heart sank!
Needless to say, the ICU team was working diligently on Pearl. The entire group, particularly Jill Petrone, was working as a coalition to save Pearl’s life. It was incredible to see this unfolding right before my eyes! Without Jill and the ICU team, I wouldn’t be writing this letter of thanks.
As the next few days passed, things began to calm down and go back to somewhat normal. We were all very grateful and happy Pearl appeared to be doing well.
Unfortunately, a few mornings later just before I arrived at the hospital, Pearl had another relapse. It was deja vu all over again! The ICU team was running at full throttle. This time it was Leslie Skelley and the ICU team working feverishly to save my mother-in-law. Thank you just doesn’t feel like enough, especially after witnessing not once, but twice the saving of Pearl’s life!
Pearl was discharged from Beebe on Feb. 24, and my family and I were delighted to have her home and doing well. Sadly, Pearl ended up passing at Beebe on July 10. Although we were unable to be with her due to COVID-19 restrictions, we were confident that even in her final moments, she was being well cared for at Beebe.
I wish to thank all mentioned in this letter for the life-saving work that you all do on a daily basis. Thank you to Jill Petrone, Leslie Skelley, Cathy Robinson, Katlyn Turri, Lydia Cole, Jennifer Knight, Kate Bishop, Hanna Bristowe, Denean Cox, Dr. Manesh Patel and of course our patient care hostesses, Maureen Redwine and Maria Thompson. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! If I left anyone’s name out, forgive me, but know that you too are thanked.
As a community-based, not-for-profit healthcare system, Beebe Healthcare depends on the generous support of the community it serves. To make a gift to celebrate the excellent care you or a loved one has received at Beebe, visit Beebe Medical Foundation at www.beebemedicalfoundation.org or call 302-644-2900. Want to share your story? Contact Amanda Neal at aneal@beebehealthcare.org.