Beebe School of Nursing recently celebrated the graduation of 29 students, the school’s largest graduating class in its 90-year history, at Eagle’s Nest Fellowship Church in Milton.
Terri Wyatt, MSN, MS, RNC, Beebe School of Nursing faculty member, was the commencement speaker. Laura Davis, president of the class of 2012, presented congratulations to the graduates. Amanda Richter, president of the class of 2011, shared class reflections and introduced a video tribute to the 2011 graduates.
Judge William Swain Lee, chairman of Beebe Medical Center’s Board of Directors, presented the Board of Directors Award for the highest academic achievement to Julia Bayne. The Beebe Medical Center medical staff sponsored the Salutatorian Award for the second-highest academic achievement, which was presented to Amanda Richter. The Alumni Award, given for Medical-Surgical Clinical Excellence in District Nursing, was presented to Brianne Ingram. The Patient Care Director’s Leadership Award was presented to Amanda Richter. Richter was also the recipient of the Attendance Award, completing her entire nursing education with no absences.
Sarah Hudson received the Maternal Child Award, given by Eleanor Cordrey in memory of her sister Virginia Cottingham to the graduate demonstrating an interest and ability in maternal-child nursing. The Beebe Medical Center Auxiliary presented its annual Florence Wingate Memorial Award honoring the memory of a longtime trusted and devoted member and treasurer of the Auxiliary to Amanda Burns. The Auxiliary also presented an award honoring the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Beebe Medical Center Auxiliary to Ashley Root. Both these awards honor the graduate demonstrating academic and clinical excellence, and school and community commitment.
Stacey Robinson received the Dr. David Howard Memorial Award. The Bayside Health Association Award honoring the memory and characteristics of Alison Trout was presented to Nilda Floriza. Heather Showell was honored with the Faculty Award recognizing the attributes of diploma education. Julia Bayne received the Pat Smith Leadership Award, which honors the memory and attributes of a school colleague, leader, and friend. Cancer in Common of Rehoboth initiated an award honoring the graduate with an interest in cancer; Kim Gordon was the recipient. Carmen Heatwole was the recipient of the Delaware Hospice Award initiated to honor an exemplary graduate exhibiting a compassionate philosophy in all aspects of care.
Beebe Medical Center Chaplain Keith Goheen presented the invocation and benediction. Connie E. Bushey, MSN, MEd, RN, director of Beebe School of Nursing, together with class advisors Susanne Hagan, MSN, RN, and Laura Smith, MSN, RN, presented the graduates with their school pins. Lee presented the diplomas.
The Beebe School of Nursing, based at Beebe Medical Center, is the only hospital-based nursing program in Delaware, and is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. The diploma in nursing is awarded at the completion of the curriculum, qualifying Beebe graduates to be eligible for National Council of State Boards of Nursing NCLEX examination, leading to licensure. Beebe graduates have one of the highest NCLEX pass rates in the state and can complete a bachelor’s in nursing degree at Wilmington University through an articulation agreement with one additional year of study.
Beebe Medical Center is a not-for-profit community medical center with a charitable mission to encourage healthy living, prevent illness, and restore optimal health with the people residing, working, or visiting in the communities it serves. For more information, visit