Retirement 101

Beware of cabin fever

April 1, 2014

Snowstorms force retirees to stay indoors. There are warning signs that too much togetherness could be unhealthy. Yesterday I simply asked my husband to push in his chair when he was finished eating. What’s wrong with that? It makes the dining room table look tidy. His response was to walk to the kitchen sink and proceed to rearrange the entire top drawer. It was like watching him play Tetris. This red coffee mug should go here, which cancels out this blue glass which gives three clear glasses in the row over here. What about all that time now wasted that it took me to wedge in the Tupperware lids between the containers themselves—never mind the spatulas! I know it is time to plan a road trip with my friend Holly. We always crank down the windows and belt out Linda Ronstadt lyrics: “Love is a rose but you better not pick it.” How about, “You’re no good, you’re no good, you’re no good!”

I heard from a Lewes doctor who asked if I would advise the senior population that it is our responsibility to know the terms of our health insurance policy as well as what medicines we take. This good doctor says many retirees don’t know about their own coverage, their own deductibles or even what medicines they take. OK, doctor, I honored your request. Hope it helps!

Karen from Rehoboth wrote, “We all need to remember that while we may be on limited incomes and not have much extra money to donate…we can volunteer for a nonprofit and/or spend time to listen to an individual or family who has hit a bump in the road and needs to know someone really does care.” Karen recommends donating time to the Community Resource Center at 37510 Oyster House Road, which runs parallel to Route 1 just north of the bridge to Dewey Beach. If you don’t have time to volunteer, they are accepting donations for many things including baby items. Call 302-227-1340 for more information.

I loved the recent article in the Cape Gazette about Walter George Bruhl Jr., who wrote his own obituary. “Cremation will take place at the family’s convenience, and his ashes will be kept in an urn until they get tired of having it around. What’s a Grecian Urn? Oh, about 200 drachmas a week.” Now, Walter knew his medications well, and he is also a wise man. “Instead of flowers, Walt would hope that you will do an unexpected and unsolicited act of kindness for some poor unfortunate soul in his name.”  Let’s surprise him and do this, OK? He will love it! I will be nicer to Rayquest.

Finally, someone asked me why I refer to my husband as Rayquest. I get lost so often with my girlfriends (too busy singing) when we are traveling the nation’s highways that I often call Ray to help me find my way. My friend JoAnn nicknamed him Rayquest because he is our own Mapquest, the driving directions website.

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