
Bonfires: A Lewes Delaware treasure

September 24, 2021

I have lived in Rehoboth Beach for the past 21 years and just recently was invited to a small family gathering with a bonfire at Roosevelt Inlet on Lewes beach. What a treat! We were a group of seven and brought food, drink and beach chairs which we arranged around a wonderful fire.

The location and bonfire were provided through a company called Quest Fitness & Kayak Inc. The owner, Matt Carter and staff members were around frequently to make sure the fire was handled safely and to see if we had any problems. We saw a beautiful sunset and had a wonderful experience - something I will remember for a long time. When we left, they cleaned up the area to the point where you would never know we had been there.

This is something marvelous that Lewes has to offer that I did not know existed. I highly recommend this adventure and look forward to coming again next year. 

It was just brought to my attention that there is an effort to end this type of an outing. That would be a great loss to the community. Please support its continuation.

Bob Bonham
Rehoboth Beach
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