
Book club bee spells success for Lewes library program

November 11, 2022

Representatives from the Independence community book club in Millsboro recently presented a check for $1,200 to Lewes Public Library staff to support its children’s literacy efforts.

Funds were generated from the team participation fees and individual contributions at the book club’s second Bee-nefit for Literacy spelling bee. The library plans to use the funds to purchase special collections of books for children and teens. In two years, the Indy Book Club has raised more than $2,000 for literacy programs.

A group of 10 teams with three or four members each competed in the bee, including four Lewes library staff members who participated as special guests. The competition included four rounds of five words each, with scores of one point for each correct answer in round one up to four points each in round four. In the bonus round, teams could wager all, part or none of their total points.

The winning team, the Spellions, correctly spelled “obsequious” and “cacophonous” in a double-overtime victory over the Killer Beez. Winning team members were Janet Harrison, Carole Russell, Mike Spedding and Elizabeth Stoner.

More than 30 book club members and Independence residents participated in the planning and implementation of the event.


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