Bridgeville woman named Sussex County Master Gardener of the Year
At a recent celebration for Master Gardeners volunteers, the coveted Master Gardener of the Year for Sussex County honor was awarded to Mary Noel of Bridgeville.
In presenting the honor, Tracy Wootten, Master Gardener program coordinator for Sussex County, said, “Mary works in the garden, does workshops, and has even served as our president. No job is too big or small for her, and you usually find her working in the background no matter what the project.”
Noel joined the program in 2007 and has served in numerous capacities. She was lauded for her leadership, support and sharing ideas, and her decorating creativity at events such as the annual banquet.
Wootten said, “It is great to work information tables with her, because you always end up learning something as she answers the public’s questions. Mary is a wonderful example of what it means to be a master gardener. She is often the first person we think of when we need a workshop because she is so knowledgeable and talented.”
Noel served on the plant sale committee and assumed leadership as the speakers bureau chair last year. Noel, with active roles in local, state, regional and national garden clubs, proved herself as an excellent liaison to the gardening community.
Nominations for Master Gardener of the Year Award are submitted by their peers to the county Extension program coordinators, who make the final decision from among the deserving submissions.