
Campers find independence at Easter Seals' Camp Fairlee Manor

July 22, 2011

Twenty-year-old Allie, of Catonsville, Md., loves to sing. It is her constant singing and her ability to memorize and repeat by request songs from the radio that earned her the nickname “Singing Radio” when she attends Easter Seals’ Camp Fairlee Manor outside Chestertown, Md.

The folks at Camp Fairlee love to encourage the talents and goals of each individual. At camp, Allie’s disabilities don’t get in her way as she seeks ways to become more independent.

“Allie tries new things at camp that she does not try at home,” said Gwen, Allie’s mom. “She loves going places, and through the daily adventure program at camp she gets to try something new every day. Through camp, she has learned to be independent.”

Gwen and her husband were nervous before going to camp, and they asked a lot of questions before leaving their daughter in the hands of Camp Fairlee’s staff. Now they are very comfortable with the director and the staff, and they know Allie enjoys her time there.

“Allie had never been away for a week, and I needed to feel good about the staff and know they would take care of Allie,” Gwen said. “I feel more comfortable about her at camp than anywhere else. Allie jumps out of the car when we get there, so I know she is OK.”

In the summer, Fairlee Manor also offers a daily adventure program that takes campers ages 12 and older on a different journey every day. There are two different age groups, the youth group ages 13-21 and the adult group ages 18 and up. Each day is a new adventure to places like Six Flags, the National Aquarium in Baltimore, the zoo and many other places in the area.

Easter Seals’ Camp Fairlee Manor provides a typical residential camp experience for children and adults with disabilities on a year-round basis. Campers enjoy a fun, supportive camp environment while family members enjoy time off from continuous caregiving. Fairlee offers weeklong camp sessions throughout the summer, as well as a weekend respite program from October through May.

Easter Seals offers a range of services, including outpatient rehabilitation therapy, early intervention services for children, day services for adults with physical and cognitive disabilities, and assistive technology services to increase the functional capabilities of people with disabilities. For more information about Easter Seals, call 800-677-3800 or visit



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