
Cape Gazette enjoys the beauty of Ireland with the women of UUSD

October 13, 2019

Women from Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware recently returned from a ten-day tour of Ireland that included everything from the capital at Dublin to the western port of Galway, ancient castles and monasteries, shops and sheep,

Viking ruins and lovely lakes and many, many miles of winding roads and scenic countryside.

With a portion of the beautiful Ring of Kerry in the background are (l-r) Gail Hecky, Pam Everett, Sharon Kaplan, Susan O’Brien, Betty Kirk, Helen Flood, Gwen Johnson and Jane Miller.

Also on the trip but not pictured are Jean Brolund, Joan Ridolfi, Patricia Harte, Nancy Sigman, Jeri Berc, Ellen Jenkins and Mary Lenney.

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