
Cape Gazette is a great local newspaper

October 6, 2023

The front-page articles in the Oct. 27 edition reminded us why we so appreciate having a paper that is both timely and local. When we lived in a larger city, we would never have seen an article about a “Happy Flagger.” Yet, the flagger has brought joy to many and become part of the community story for those who use Route 24. The closure of Malfunction Junction would mean nothing to those who are not local and do not know the nickname for the intersection in question. For locals, however, this is important information. 

There are plenty of sources of news for what is happening at the state, national and international levels. The Cape Gazette is a treasure for providing local news. It creates community – people know what is happening and can participate, if they choose to. It also helps us be informed citizens and voters with articles about happenings in local council and commission meetings and about candidates closer to election time. 

Too few communities today have such a resource – and we appreciate that we do. Thank you, Cape Gazette management, reporters and editors! 

Susan and Mac Goekler
Rehoboth Beach


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