
Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 thanks its veterans

December 2, 2022

Members of Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 of Lewes held a free banquet dinner for its veterans Nov. 9, in recognition of Veterans Day.

Hosted by the lodge's Veterans Committee, the program included welcoming remarks by Bob Trafton, Elks Veterans Committee chair; presentation of colors by Dan Celia; the Pledge of Allegiance; and blessing by Chaplain Betty Anne Kortlang. Past Exalted Ruler Ralph Patterson and current Exalted Ruler Joanne Mayer gave opening remarks.

Dinner featured stuffed chicken breasts, scalloped potatoes, green beans and assorted desserts. Later, all 86 attendees were brought to their feet by “Proud to be an American” and “God Bless America” sung by Leading Knight Joy Lynn Schreck. Before closing, a moment of silence was observed for the recent passing of Lt. Cmdr. Tom Volatile, a U.S. Navy retiree who had been a longtime supporter of veterans and previous chair of the Elks Veterans Committee.

After the formal program, the Veterans Committee honored veterans in training as represented by the Cape Henlopen Junior ROTC and the student-veterans studying at Delaware Technical Community College.

A $500 check was presented to Cadet Isaac League in support of the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps at Cape Henlopen High School. Program leaders with League were Lt. Col. Ron Erale, Sgt. Richard Hurt and Sgt. Philip Webb, along with cadets Bryan Ramirez-Montana, Ninfa Cantu and Linda Gutierrez-Santizo.

Also present were Eric Eldridge, Delaware Technical Community College academic counselor for veterans and service members, along with two student-veteran recipients of a previous Elks scholarship donation, Tyneshia White and Pedro Morales Lopez. White served eight years in the Navy as a hospital corpsman and is working toward a degree in nursing; Lopez is active in the Army National Guard and is working toward a degree in elementary education.

Throughout the evening, music was provided by local DJ Sherman “The Sherminator” Newton, concluding with a resounding medley of the theme songs from five branches of the U.S. military.

With this humble yet meaningful celebration, organizers hope the local veterans felt appreciated and honored for their bravery, sacrifice and love for their country.

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