Cape Henlopen Elks raise $2,500 for breast cancer coalition
In recognition of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 of Lewes held a breast cancer awareness dinner Oct. 8 to raise funds for the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition.
Guest speaker was Connie Holdridge, the coalition’s program director for Sussex County.
Dinner was followed by music and dancing to the music of Charlie and the Cool Tones.
For many years, the Elks have been holding their annual breast cancer awareness dinners. This year’s event netted the most donations to date. Ticket sales to 130 diners and revenue from the silent auction brought in $2,500 for the breast cancer coalition.
Holdrige said the money will be used to provide one-on-one peer mentoring to newly diagnosed women and men with breast cancer, all at no cost to Sussex County residents.
Organizers greatly appreciate the outpouring of interest and support from the membership and community, including the generosity of local organizations that donated silent auction items.