Cape Henlopen Wicker owner Gwen Palmer has decided to give it one more summer. In December, Palmer announced she was closing one of the Cape Region’s few wicker furniture stores after 16 years to spend more time with family.
“The landlord made me an offer that was too good to pass up,” said Palmer.
The business is located at 18422 Coastal Highway in Lewes, in what used to be the Sandy Brae farm racing stable, built in the 1920s.
Palmer also owns Mugs & Stitches, also located in the old farmhouse. She said this extra time in the house will give her time to find a new home for her embroidery equipment.
“I’ve got to have them up and running,” she said. “I am a businesswoman.”
For more information call Cape Henlopen Wicker at 644-2000. For the immediate future, store hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday to Monday, but said Palmer, it will soon be open on Wednesday also. More store information can be found at
RELATED STORY » Cape Henlopen Wicker closing doors