Cape High JROTC cadets were honored with awards and scholarships May 27, when the new chain of command and ranks were also announced for the 2021-22 school year.
Cadet leaders for 2021-22 are Lt. Col. Marina Santini, Cadet Battalion commander; Major Zoe Peters, Cadet Battalion executive officer; Sgt. Major Brogan Conley, Cadet Battalion command sergeant major; 1LT Samuel Kerstetter, A Company commander; 1LT Emma Dominick, A Company executive officer; 1LT Tyller Maltbie, B Company commander; 1LT Daniella Sanchez, B Company executive officer; 1LT Jose Chavez-Mendez, S3 Operations officer; 2LT Camila Lascano, S1 Personnel & Administration officer; SFC Patricia Butler, S2 Security officer; and SFC Axel Trujillo, S4 Supply Accountability officer.
Scholarship recipients included Samuel Kerstetter, Sons of the American Revolution Award and $100 scholarship; Camila Lascano, Vietnam Veterans of America Award and $300 scholarship; Marina Santini, VFW and DAR awards and $250 scholarship for each; and Zoe Henderschott, Daughters of the American Colonists Medal and $50 Barnes & Noble gift card.
Zoe Peters received the Military Order of the Purple Heart Medal, Julianna Foote earned the Department of the Army Superior Cadet Decoration and Axel Trujillo received the Non-Commissioned Officers Association Medal.
Jose Chavez-Mendez received the Retired Enlisted Association Award, and Colby Smith received the Sons of Union Veterans Medal.
Catherine Drumheller earned the Cadet Command Distinguished Academic Award, Tyller Maltbie received the Cadet Command Commendation Award and Samantha McCabe received the Cadet Command Good Conduct Award.
Shane Whittam and Emmauel Majjui received Army Instructor Leadership Awards; Patricia Butler and Robert Fogarty earned the Superintendent’s JROTC Award; and Jude Gallagher, Thaddeus Karl and Jessica Ashley received the School Board President’s JROTC Award.