The new Cape Water Taxi shuttled its first visitors from Lewes to Dewey Beach and back, reporting a busy and successful Memorial Day weekend.
David Green, owner of the new service, said the trips drew more people than expected. Coming back from the final Sunday trip to Dewey, Green found about 16 people interested in a sunset cruise.
"One of the boys was upset that we were done for the night, so I decided to take them all out up to the Broadkill," Green said. "We saw a lot of wildlife. It was perfect."
The first trip May 25 was a sunset cruise on Love Creek. On May 26, Green took four round trips from Lewes to Dewey Beach and finished with three trips on Sunday.
The new water taxi schedule includes two evening trips on Fridays, three trips on Saturdays and one trip on Sundays. Green plans to expand his hours starting Thursday, June 21, to have weekday trips, including an eco-tour.
Round-trip adult tickets are $15, while children ride for $10. The eco-tour will cost $25 per person. Beverages are available for sale, or riders can bring their own.
For more information to make a reservation with a credit card, call 800-645-0441 or visit Cape Water Taxi on Facebook.