Sen. Tom Carper celebrated the recent passage of a bill reauthorizing the work of the U.S. Coast Guard with a Dec. 3 visit to the Indian River Inlet Coast Guard Station.
The bill includes increases to operational and maintenance funding for personnel and boats; funds shore side infrastructure improvements; updates leave policies for Coast Guard members and their families; and adds clarity on inspections and enforcement procedures for vessel boardings.
“In a divided Congress, we found a responsible way to pass the Coast Guard reauthorization agreement, and that’s a win for our Coast Guard contingent here in Delaware and the waters we all treasure,” said Carper, the top Democrat on the Environment and Public Works Committee.
Carper said he expects President Donald Trump to sign the legislation into law soon.
Carper was also in attendance for an advancement ceremony of Coast Guard member Brennan Piemonte. He was promoted from Bosun’s Mate 3rd Class to Bosun’s Mate 2nd Class.