Hosted by the Georgetown Historical Society at the Nutter Marvel Museum, the faithful gathered April 5 to celebrate Palm Sunday in their vehicles. Hundreds of people in more than 200 vehicles listened on their FM radios to hymns and a message of hope from the Rev. Bruce Rogers of Long Neck United Methodist Church. Another service is planned at 9 a.m., April 12, Easter Sunday. Rogers urged people to honk their horns in place of the usual amen during traditional services.
Rogers said he hadn’t preached before a live crowd in two weeks. “This is hard for preachers who are used to being with people. I like to reach out and give hugs,” he said.
He asked attendees to reflect back on how much their lives have changed since March 6, Ash Wednesday, which was five days before the first coronavirus case was reported in Delaware. “On March 5, we all had jobs, we went to restaurants and were with our families. We had very busy lives, and then came the crisis,” he said.
Rogers said this is a time to evaluate faith. “As we isolate, think of all the time we have to work on our relationship with Christ,” he said.
“Whatever lies ahead and whatever we suffer and celebrate, remember that Christ has already suffered and celebrated for us. He paid the price, and why?” Rogers asked. “The answer is you.”