The Delaware Center for the Inland Bays invites the public to learn about environmental modeling and the center’s habitat plan during the upcoming Scientific & Technical Advisory Committee meeting from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Friday, April 28. The hybrid-format meeting will be held at the University of Delaware Kent County Cooperative Extension Office, Paradee Building, 69 Transportation Circle, Dover. A virtual connection through Zoom will also be offered.
Meghan Noe Fellows, center director of estuary science and restoration, will give an update on the revision of the Inland Bays environmental monitoring plan. Dr. Jennifer Volk of the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension will then discuss the development, phases and maintenance plan of the hydrodynamic model.
Michelle Schmidt, the center’s director of conservation and watershed planning, and Bryanna Lisiewski, watershed coordinator, will lead discussion of the overview and current status of the 2024 Inland Bays Habitat Plan, intended to protect and restore critical habitats in the Inland Bays watershed.
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