Residents chant ‘enough is enough’ as they voice opinions on county development
With signs in hand and chanting “enough is enough,” nearly 200 protesters gather March 10 on The Circle in Georgetown prior to the start of a county planning and zoning meeting. They are asking Sussex officials to slow the pace of development. RON MACARTHUR PHOTOS
Ron MacArthur
March 10, 2022
See a story and more photos in the Tuesday, March 15 edition.
Those taking part in the protest sign petitions and gather placards to prepare for the second rally held in front of the Sussex County administration building.
Sussex County District 5 Councilman John Rieley talks with citizens during the rally on The Circle.
Judy-Rose Seibert of Lewes is asking Sussex County Council to pass the updated wetland buffers ordinance without the controversial Section G, which provides incentives to developers.
The area reserved for the protest is filled with citizens and signs during the March 10 event in front of the county administration building.
Mother Earth, aka Teresa Caruso of Lewes, attends the rally as a spokeswoman for the environment.
Dotty Cirelli of Rehoboth Beach says yes to wetlands, forests, buffers and roads, and no to more housing.
Leslie Calman of Rehoboth Beach is concerned about the practice of clear-cutting forests to make way for development.