Clear Space has been serving up a steady diet of high-quality live theater in Rehoboth Beach for the past decade. Its successful production of diverse dramas, musicals, revues and comedies has proven its depth and breadth. In doing so, Clear Space has helped sustain a long-standing tradition of live theater in Sussex County carried on for many decades by such groups as Georgetown’s Possum Point Players and Milford’s Second Street Players.
Because of the complexity of its ambitious annual schedule, Clear Space, in a relatively short period of time, has woven itself firmly into the dynamic culture of Rehoboth Beach. Not only through its productions, but also through the daily involvement of all the people associated with Clear Space in Delaware’s premier resort, the organization has brought enlivening positive energy to the community. In short, Clear Space is good for Rehoboth Beach.
In the midst of maintaining its schedule of onstage productions, Clear Space’s troupe marches onward across the greater public stage in its quest to build exciting new facilities along the west end of Rehoboth Avenue. As in all great theater, the initiative involves drama, occasional lightheartedness, moments of triumph followed by deflating exasperation, and a slow pace which could be a box office killer if the potential ending weren’t so exciting and long-lasting.
Rehoboth’s planning commission has shown its support for Clear Space’s plans by a 7-2 vote of approval. Procedural issues and complications of a change in city administration are temporarily dampening the glow of that support.
In a nod to proper process, the mayor and commissioners sent the plans back to the planners for further deliberations. That’s OK. Multimillion-dollar projects – even those well-funded and contributing to positive community transformation – take time. Proper process can lead ultimately to wider-spread support and success.
Rehoboth’s mayor and commissioners, however, should further brighten this holiday season by publicly declaring their support and appreciation for Clear Space. They should take the stage front and center, and commit to bringing this important initiative to a successful conclusion for the benefit of Rehoboth’s residents, visitors and businesses.