
Common sense can protect health, economy

June 23, 2020

The coronavirus and related government restrictions have dealt a severe blow to our local economy. Most hoped restrictions would at least be effective enough to allow the Delaware resort area to salvage the heart of the 2020 tourism season. A sizable chunk of 2020 has already been lost for many businesses, but having a shot at getting the strong revenues that usually accompany the July through December months will make the difference between whether many local businesses survive or go under in the uncertain months ahead.

The public’s cooperation in heeding guidance for stopping the spread of the virus has reduced the pace of deaths and hospitalizations in Delaware. Social distancing, use of masks and limiting crowd exposure have become commonplace. People for the most part are aware of action needed to avoid getting infected and infecting others. But as the summer wears on and businesses continue to struggle with the remaining restrictions, crowds will increase, and so will pressure to take chances for economic survival.

The good news is that spread of coronavirus appears far less threatening in outdoor settings. Much of the appeal of Delaware’s Cape Region – its beaches, trails and water-based recreation – is about outdoor experiences which attract crowds that drive our economy. That works in our favor. But as we’re seeing elsewhere, if we let down our guard and stop taking precautions that have helped us tame the disease, we risk costly resurgences.

There are no easy answers or quick solutions on the horizon. We all want to keep ourselves and others safe. We all want to salvage as much of the 2020 tourism season as possible.

The only thing we’re certain of at this point is the value of common sense and helping others. Social distancing, masking when in close contact with others, staying home when we’re sick, and protecting our most vulnerable by keeping them away from others potentially infected will give us our best chance of staying safe and getting the most of what remains of 2020.

  • Editorials are considered and written by Cape Gazette Editorial Board members, including Publisher Chris Rausch, Editor Jen Ellingsworth, News Editor Nick Roth and reporters Ron MacArthur and Chris Flood. 

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